About Pavilion eBooks

Pavilion is pleased to offer eBooks for sale directly from our website to download to your device through the free Glassboxx app. By purchasing an eBook through our website you directly support our authors and Pavilion as an independent publisher.

Below you will find instructions and helpful tips for accessing your eBook content. While some Pavilion titles are available as eBooks some of our products like training packs and older titles are not available in eBook format. We are continuing to develop new eBooks for the majority of our current and forthcoming titles, however if you’d like more information on if a title will be available as an eBook feel free to send us an email at [email protected].

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eBook purchases made directly through our website support Pavilion as an independent publisher along with our authors. By selling to you directly we retain a larger percentage of our costs so we can continue to produce resources for health, social care and beyond.

What is Glassboxx?

Glassboxx offers easy-to-use eBook access, all in one place in their Glassboxx app.
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How to use Glassboxx

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Pavilion is a proudly independent publisher and we are delighted to partner with a likeminded small business, Glassboxx.


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Mental Health