Books and training materials
If, for whatever reason, the products you have ordered are not what you wanted, we will refund your payment in full.
Simply return the items within 21 days of receipt, together with our invoice.
Please return goods by recorded delivery to: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd, Blue Sky Offices Shoreham, 25 Cecil Pashley Way, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5FF, United Kingdom.
You must use the original or comparable packaging so that they arrive back with us in good condition. We cannot accept any responsibility for goods lost in the post that have not been returned by recorded delivery.
Unfortunately we cannot accept returns of DVDs or CD-ROMs.
Event ticket cancellations
Annual GM conference
All cancellations will be subject to a £75 administration fee, if received in writing 90 days before the event. We regret that any cancellations after this date cannot be refunded, but substitute delegates are welcome at any time.
All tickets to our exhibitions are non-refundable but can be transferred to another name up to 7 days before the event.
Other events
All cancellations will be subject to a £50 administration fee, if received in writing at least 14 days before the event. We regret that any cancellations beyond this period cannot be refunded, but substitute delegates are welcome at any time.