This is where you’ll find the downloadable PDF resources which accompany the book A Practical Introduction to Teacher Training in ELT.
If you don’t have a copy yet, you can order one here.
Downloadable resource
A jigsaw plan (PDF)
A ‘listening and functions’ lesson plan (PDF)
A teacher trainer’s checklist (PDF)
Course checklist (PDF)
‘Defining aims’ form (PDF)
Find someone who… (PDF)
Graph observation form (PDF)
Lesson plan form (PDF)
Materials design: designing a gap-fill exercise (PDF)
Observation protocol cards (PDF)
Personal assessment observation (PDF)
Post-lesson reflection form (PDF)
Presenting timelines (PDF)
Prompting observation form (PDF)
Scale observation form (PDF)
Secret talent! (PDF)
Sentence completion observation (PDF)
Table observation form (PDF)
Teacher development action plan (PDF)
Teaching English Survival Game (PDF)
Terminology pelmanism (PDF)
Trainee’s observation form (PDF)
Trainer’s observation form (PDF)
Trinity College London Diploma in TESOL assessment form (PDF)
Tutorial form (PDF)