Dr Louise Theodosiou, Dr Pooky Knightsmith, Paula Lavis, Prof Sue Bailey

Children and Young People’s Mental Health


Early Intervention, Ongoing Support and Flexible Evidence Based Care


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The mental health of children and young people is of increasing concern to us all. Formerly entitled ‘Child and Adolescent Mental Health Today’, this new edition has been substantially updated and extended to reflect contemporary issues and approaches, and to focus on early intervention, ongoing support and evidence-based care. It introduces the subject to the wide array of frontline workers in health, education, social services and youth justice who have regular contact with children and young people, and need some knowledge of the mental health issues that affect them, and the services available.

The team of editors, well-known for their contributions to the field, have commissioned a wide range of expert clinicians, professionals and researchers to update the original themes of the book and address new issues and approaches that have since emerged, including mental health in schools, the impact of social media, suicide prevention, gender and sexuality issues and the mental health needs of young offenders.

This accessible and wide-ranging introduction will be invaluable both to experienced practitioners and students who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of the difficulties that the young people and families with whom they work are experiencing, and current, evidence-based approaches to effectively meeting their needs.

Other mental health titles 




This accessible and wide-ranging introduction will be invaluable both to experienced practitioners and students who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of the difficulties that the young people and families with whom they work are experiencing, and current, evidence-based approaches to effectively meeting their needs.


Eds Dr Louise Theodosiou, Prof Sue Bailey, Dr Pooky Knightsmith and Paula Lavis

The team of editors, well-known for their contributions to the field, have commissioned a wide range of expert clinicians, professionals and researchers to update the original themes of the book and address new issues and approaches that have since emerged, including mental health in schools, the impact of social media, suicide prevention, gender and sexuality issues and the mental health needs of young offenders.


ISBN: 978-1-912755-40-0
Publication Date: 19 December 2019



Chapter 1: What is Mental Health?

Chapter 2: Children and Young People’s Mental Health

Chapter 3: Working Together for Children and Young People’s

Chapter 4: Delivering Culturally Competent Services

Chapter 5: Infant Development Within Early Relationships

Chapter 6: Supporting Parenting During Infancy

Chapter 7: Adversity and Trauma-Informed Practice (ATIP)

Chapter 8: Mental Health Promotion in Primary Schools

Chapter 9: The Mental Health Needs of Looked After Children

Chapter 10: The Mental Health of Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities

Chapter 11: Transition from Child to Adult Mental Health Services

Chapter 12: Valuing Youth Involvement in Mental Health Service Design and Delivery

Chapter 13: A Whole School Approach to Mental Health

Chapter 14: The Mental Health of Young People in Contact with the Criminal Justice System

Chapter 15: Depression and Bipolar Disorder in Children and Young People

Chapter 16: Early Intervention in Psychosis for Children and Young People

Chapter 17: Neurodevelopmental Conditions in Children and Young People

Chapter 18: Attitudes Matter – Working with Children and Young People Who Self-harm

Chapter 19: Eating Disorders in Children and Young People

Chapter 20: Drugs and Mental Health

Chapter 21: Impact of Social Media and Digital Technology on Children and Young People

Chapter 22: Working with Young People to Prevent Suicide

Chapter 23: Links Between a Child’s Physical Health and Mental Health

Chapter 24: Mind Out! LGBT Children, Young People and Mental Health


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