A positive, practical guide to living with chronic health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, depression,
arthritis and IBS. This is a hopeful and uplifting book that empowers readers to take action on their own behalf. Through clear explanations and enlightening case examples, the authors explain how to apply the three-step Pathways Model of self-care – deciding to change, mastering skills and more sophisticated strategies to help individuals take better care of themselves, and to feel more active and empowered in partnership with professional providers.
Adults with long-term illnesses of all ethnicities and statuses who are seeking advice on how to manage their issues more effectively through lifestyle change. Healthcare providers such as psychologists, counsellors and social workers who can recommend the book or use it to guide their patients through self-care and lifestyle changes.
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ldt
ISBN: 9781803884233
Publication Date: January 2025
Section 1: The Pathways Model
1. Living Fully with Chronic Illness
2. A Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Self-Healing
3. Steps to Wellbeing – The Pathways Mode
Section 2: Stories and Common Chronic Conditions
4. Gaining Control and Making Decisions on Health Habits–Type 2 Diabetes
5. Putting Heredity into Perspective – High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease
6. Embracing Nature and Recovering Inner Peace –Cancer
7. Dealing with Difficult Relapses and Setbacks – Headache
8. Recovering from Loss of Control, Shame and Isolation–Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS)
9. Managing Pain, Recovering Activity, and Improving Mood – Osteoarthritis
10. Coming Out of the Tunnel of Despair – Depression
11. Mastering Terror of the Unknown – Anxiety
12. Integrating the Past and Living Fully in the Present – Trauma
Section Three: Putting it All Together
13. Completing your Pathways Assessment
14. Setting Level One Goals
15. Setting Level Two Goals
16. Selecting Level Three Treatment
Section Four: Resources
Appendix A – Instructions for Self-Care Skills
Appendix B –Helpful Apps, Videos, Books, Audio Recordings and Websites
Appendix C – Worksheets for Healing Pathways
Don Moss is a clinical health psychologist and psychophysiologist. He is Dean of the Graduate College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences at Saybrook University in Pasadena, California. For over five decades, his passion has been to help people with medical illnesses to help themselves, manage their illnesses, reduce their suffering, and live more fully despite illness.
Angele McGrady is a professor at the University of Toledo Medical Center, Ohio. She has extensive experience teaching behavioural science, and she has designed programs to prevent burnout and build resiliency in health care providers. Her clinical practice focuses on applying the Pathways Model to patients with complex chronic medical and emotional issues.
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