Dr Steve Moss PhD

Moss-PAS (Check)


For a more comprehensive overview of Moss-PAS, click here

Moss-PAS (Check) written in everyday language for use by carers and family.

Number of Packs Total Cost
1x Pack (20 forms) £60.00
2x Pack (40 forms) £95.00
3x Pack (60 forms) £135.00
4x Pack (80 forms) £175.00
5x Pack (100 forms) £195.00




Moss-PAS (Check)

A questionnaire to identify potential mental health problems in people with intellectual disabilities (formerly known as PAS-ADD Checklist)

Moss-PAS (Check) is a 25-item questionnaire, written in everyday language, for use primarily by care staff and families who are best placed to notice changes in the behaviour of the people they support. It is designed to record the presence of a range of problems, all of which may be part of a psychiatric condition.

The Checklist aims to help staff and carers to identify potential mental health problems and decide whether a further assessment of an individual’s mental health may be helpful.

Moss-PAS (Check) can be used to screen whole groups of individuals, or as part of a regular monitoring of people who are considered to be at risk of mental illness. The scoring system includes threshold scores which, if exceeded, indicate the presence of a potential psychiatric problem. This may then be more fully assessed using Moss-PAS (ID) or Moss-PAS (Diag ID).

The score forms with guidance are available in packs of 20.




The Moss Psychiatric Assessment Schedules

The Moss Psychiatric Assessment Schedules (MPAS) are the successors to the well known PASADD system. The original Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Developmental Disabilities was developed to provide improved patient interviewing for adults with intellectual disability, and over the years the name became synonymous with mental health assessment in people with intellectual disability. Since those early days, the author has continued to develop new assessments, and to train several thousand people in their use round the world. The insight and feedback from these users has enabled ongoing refinement of the questions, and improvements in the descriptions of symptoms in various levels of severity. The result of this 30 years of development is a set of assessments of unparalleled quality and ease of use. The series now includes versions for adults and children, both with intellectual disability, and of normal developmental level. Coming soon will be an expert interview designed specifically for forensic use.

For full information about validity and reliability, together with sample pages to view or a digital version of this MPAS assessment tool please visit www.moss-pas.com. 


The Moss-PAS (Check) is to be completed primarily by carers and families of people with intellectual disabilities who will have the most immediate perception of changes in the behaviour of the people they care for.


ISBN: 9781912755301
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing and Media
Publication: April 2019


Dr Steve Moss has worked for 30 years in disability research, initially in the fields of children with visual impairment and children’s motor development, and subsequently in the areas of intellectual disability and mental health assessment. His work on development of the PASADD system, now entitled Moss-PAS (Moss Psychiatric Assessment), is particularly well known, and these assessments are now used in many countries throughout the world. Dr Moss has published over 80 articles, chapters, books and assessments, and has trained several thousand people around the work in use of the Moss-PAS (PAS-ADD) system. He worked for 20 years at the Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester University, and later at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, where he continues to have an honorary post.


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