Rosi Reubsaet

Schema Therapy – A Phase-Oriented Approach, Targeting Tasks and Techniques in Individual and Group Schema Therapy


Schema Therapy – A Phase-Oriented Approach, presents an innovative approach to managing individual and group schema therapy.



Schema Therapy – A Phase-Oriented Approach, Targeting Tasks and Techniques in Individual and Group Schema Therapy presents an innovative approach to managing individual and group schema therapy.

The therapeutic process is divided into four phases:

Phase 1 focuses on safety and security

Phase 2 stirs up old pain and emotions

Phase 3 encourages the client to take control and try new things

Phase 4 is about reinventing oneself and learning to live happily as a human being

Each phase is covered in one chapter each. Every chapter contains phase-specific exercises and practical tips. The book is clearly structured allowing for the therapist and client to work together step by step. The book offers clear guidelines for achieving an optimal life balance.


Rosi Reubaset is a clinical psychologist, cognitive behavioural therapist and schema therapy supervisor who has specialized for two decades in working with individuals who suffer from severe personality disorders. She gives international courses and workshops, and she is a board member of the personality disorders division of the Dutch Association for Behavioral and Cognitive therapy.

Rosi is the co-founder and general director of the House for Schema Therapy, a mental health care facility in the Netherlands where, together with colleagues Guido Sijbers, Wiesette Krol, Judith Vanhommerig and Judith Hollands, she treats people with personality disorders with schema therapy. With the same four colleagues she also runs the Academy for Schema Therapy, a Dutch institution for delivering schema therapy supervision and training.


Published by Pavilion Publishing and Media

Publication date: Mid June 2021

ISBN: 9781914010569


Foreword by Professor Marleen Rijkeboer

Reading Guide

1. Background to the phase-oriented approach

2. Phase 1 – Safety first

3. Phase 2 – Express yourself

4. Phase 3 – Do it yourself

5. Phase 4 – Live your life

6. Pitfalls, frequently asked questions and adaptations


1 review for Schema Therapy – A Phase-Oriented Approach, Targeting Tasks and Techniques in Individual and Group Schema Therapy

  1. Mia Östlin, Schema Therapist, CBT Therapist, CBT Therapist

    This book has been really important for me and for my students trying to learn Schema Therapy. Rosi Reubsaet is a marvel of pedagogics. In my opinion no one has written so clearly and approachably about Schema Therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder, before. Her book has been a great help for me teaching unexperienced students about ST with these patients. The fase-based
    approach is a great asset also for myself, though I have worked with borderline patients for many years, and in an ST-fashion since 2009.

    I warmly recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand the art and craft of Schema Therapy with borderline disordered patients.

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