Jill Hadfield, Lindsay Clandfield

Live Online Teaching

Creative activities for delivering language lessons remotely

Live Online Teaching examines best practices for teaching live online, outlines key strategies and provides practical activities to implement these practices and strategies so that teachers can focus on the art of teaching rather than the mechanics of using an online platform, and enjoy doing what they do best, teach.


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We are in a period where teachers have had to turn to live online teaching, perhaps for the first time. They have had to address many problems, beginning with getting acquainted with the mechanics of using platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. They have then had to work out how to adapt their teaching to the constraints of the platform.

Live Online Teaching aims to help teachers with live online teaching on platforms such as Zoom, Teams etc. The book offers practical tips to help teachers with the various tools offered by the platforms. This includes features such as shared screens and breakout rooms. In addition, it offers creative activities for teaching online asynchronously. The book addresses the immediate situation that teachers find themselves in post Covid: having to teach classes remotely, and even in hybrid classes. It takes teachers beyond the emergency teaching for the pandemic into the future normal.

The activities are classified in sections according to the tools used to create a communicative situation and involve students. Each section includes some general methodology and technical tips. This is followed by practical activities to show teachers how to implement the recommended practices into their online classroom teaching. In addition, there is a section that focuses on activities for live classes which acknowledges that sitting for a long time in front of a screen is not always optimal for learning. The authors, therefore, have a range of activities under the topic ‘zooming out’. These involve students getting away from the screen by sending them into their local environment to find something and come back and share it.

All the activities contain a short summary at the start which outlines:

  • the aims of the activity,
  • what teaching topic it can be used for,
  • how long it should take,
  • what levels it is for,
  • the preparation needed.

This gives the teacher a good idea of what to prepare and do before embarking on any given activity. Teachers can also locate an activity which practises a specific language point and a section which answers questions they may have about online teaching quickly.

Live Online Teaching is part of the Teaching English series, which offers a mixture of methodology and practical ideas for teachers of English as a foreign language. Lindsay Clandfield is also the co-author of ETpedia Materials Writing with John Hughes.


Live Online Teaching is suitable for a wide range of teachers globally: those working in private language schools, mainstream education and in universities; those involved in language teaching to teenagers and adults, though a number of activities can be used with or easily adapted for younger learners; and those who are newly-qualified through to more experienced teachers and teacher trainers.

The book is ideal for anyone who would like to teach with confidence online, be able to manage the activities they would do normally in the classroom in an online platform with confidence but are unsure how to go about it, anyone who is looking for new ways to do communicative activities with their classes, and anyone who is just looking to refresh their ideas, especially now as teachers move beyond the emergency confines of teaching online in the pandemic to teaching online as part of everyday life and look to put the joy back into teaching. It could also be used by teacher trainers leading training courses/sessions or school managers looking to upskill their staff.


Lindsay Clandfield is an award-winning writer, teacher, teacher trainer and international speaker in the field of English language teaching. He has written more than ten coursebooks and is the main author of the new young adult course Studio (Helbling Languages). Lindsay is the series editor of the Delta Teacher Development books and has co-written various methodology books for teachers, notably Dealing with Difficulties and Teaching Online (Delta Publishing). Lindsay is also the creative force behind various web projects including the popular blog Six Things, the long-running podcast The TEFL Commute (which recently had a mini series called Who’s Zooming Who, about teaching live online), the e-publishing collective The Round and the sci-fi/adventure materials website Extreme Language Teaching. You can find out more about him including his full portfolio at his website www.lindsayclandfield.com.

Jill Hadfield has worked as a teacher and teacher trainer in Britain, France, China, Tibet, Madagascar and New Zealand, run short courses and seminars for teachers in many other parts of the world and worked as a consultant for the UK’s British Council and Department of International Development, writing materials for and reviewing aid projects in Africa. She was until recently Associate Professor in Language Teacher Education at Unitec, New Zealand and has now returned to working freelance. She has written over thirty books, translated into a total of 17 languages. These include the bestselling Communication Games series, five books in the Oxford Basics series, Classroom Dynamics, a course for primary children: Excellent! published by Longman which was shortlisted for the Duke of Edinburgh Award, two Teacher Education books: Top Tools for Language Teachers (Pearson) and An Introduction to Teaching English (OUP). Motivating Learning, co-authored with Zoltan Dornyei, was published in 2013 by Routledge in the Research and Resources in Language Teaching series of which she is series editor. Her latest book, co-authored with Lindsay Clandfield, Interaction Online was a finalist in the Ben Warren and the ELTons awards for Innovation in Teacher Resources.


ISBN: 978-1-914010-41-5

Publication date: August 2021

  • Introduction
  • Video and audio
  • Participation tools
  • Shared screen
  • Breakout rooms
  • Combining platforms
  • Zooming out


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