The CAMDEX-DS-II is a fully updated second edition of a validated assessment for diagnosing dementia in people with Down Syndrome (a group known to be at particular risk of dementia), as well as others with intellectual disabilities. In order to differentiate decline due to dementia or other mental health issues from pre-existing impairment, particular emphasis has been placed on establishing change from the individual’s best level of functioning. The CAMDEX-DS-II comprises a comprehensive manual including guidance for diagnosis, a structured informant interview to collect information about presenting symptoms and clinical history, a direct participant assessment (CAMCOG-DS-II), and a picture book to use in conjunction with the participant assessment. The CAMDEX-DS-II nmay be used in community settings by health professionals as part of the diagnostic process, or to formalise diagnosis in the context of research.
The Informant Interview is a structured interview carried out in the absence of the person with Down Syndrome or other intellectual disabilities, with a relative or carer who has known them well over time.
Senior Editors
– Jessica Beresford-Webb : University of Cambridge
– Shahid Zaman : University of Cambridge
– Rosalyn Hithersay : King’s College London
– Andre Strydom : King’s College London
– Bessy Benejam : Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation Barcelona
– Silvia Sacco : Institut Jérôme Lejeune
– Sandra Loosli : Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
– Frode Larsen : Norwegian National Advisor unit on Ageing and Health
– Eimear Mc Glinchey : Trinity College Dublin
– Mary Mc Carron : Trinity College Dublin
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd
Publication Date: October 2021
ISBN: 978-1-914010-79-8
Brief Table of Contents
Description of the CAMDEX-DS-II
The CAMDEX-DS-II Schedule
Section 1: The informant interview
Section 2: Assessment of patient/participant
Guidance for Diagnosis
Section 1: Differential diagnosis
Section 2: Scoring
Section 3: Diagnostic criteria
Guidance for Interviewers
Example answers: Cognitive and functional decline
Example answers: Current mental health
Appendices: The CAMDEX-DS-II Schedule
2.Pictorial material for cognitive examination
3.Informant interview test sheets
4.Assessment of participant (CAMCOG-DS-II)
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