Ben Creet, Peter Woodward, Sarah Halls, Steve Hardy

Mental Health Promotion for People with Learning Disabilities

Training pack

Supporting people with learning disabilities to stay mentally well

This unique training resource enables professionals to educate people with learning disabilities about mental health.



This training pack is for learning disability professionals and others who wish to facilitate a course to help people with learning disabilities improve their mental health by raising awareness of mental health problems and developing personal strategies to improve or maintain their mental health. The 12-session course is designed to be run with adults who are able to express their wants and needs and who need minimal support with daily living tasks.

Key features: Based on work with The Tuesday Group who have spoken and published articles about their work in this field; a wealth of mental health promotion materials, including video role plays; structured into 2 ½ hour interactive sessions.

Contents include 12 sessions on:

  • Emotions
  • Mental health
  • Staying well
  • Mental health problems
  • Depression and anxiety
  • What happens if someone has a mental health problem
  • Helping people to get better
  • Serious mental health problems
  • My mental health plan


Mental Health Promotion for People with Learning Disabilities is vital information for professionals in learning disability, doctors, nurses, senior carers, social workers, therapists, trainers, advocacy workers and college tutors.


ISBN: 9781841962481
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing and Media
Publication: 20 May 2009
Content: Mental Health Promotion for People with Learning Disabilities contains session guidelines and CD-rom containing presentations slides, three video role plays, printable handouts and 29 illustrated leaflets on different aspects of mental health promotion and information.


Steve Hardy was formerly the education and training lead at the Estia Centre, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. He is a registered nurse in learning disabilities and has worked in mental health and challenging behaviour services for people with learning disabilities for 20 years. He has widely published in these areas and he is the co-editor of the journal Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.


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