Going to university can be an exciting but challenging experience for any student, but it can be especially stressful for autistic students who may find traditional educational approaches and environments inaccessible. The jump to postgraduate study then presents even further challenges with increasing pressure and new experiences and expectations to navigate.
Written by an autistic autism researcher, this book considers the unseen challenges of being an autistic woman in postgraduate education. Despite strong numbers of autistic students attending higher education, and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) drives within academia to increase the number of disabled graduates undertaking further study, autistic postgraduate students are defined as having poorer outcomes than autistic people without degrees. Bringing together a holistic view of current research with personal and collated lived experience, the author offers an in-depth exploration of how autistic women navigate the academic landscape with important insights for educators, policymakers, advocates and anyone looking to foster a more accessible and inclusive educational system.
Autistic students; teachers; educators and university staff working in disability services; mental health professionals; students of these professions, autism studies, neurodiversity, psychology and sociology; parents with autistic children & young adults.
Dr Sophie Phillips is a research associate at the University of Sheffield, working on a project investigating anti-ableist research cultures funded by the Wellcome Trust. Her research interests centre around increasing access to higher education for autistic women and more broadly neurodivergent individuals, following her own diagnosis as a young adult. Sophie is involved with the Nottinghamshire Autism Police Partnership, based at the University of Nottingham, with the aim of changing the way in which neurodivergent people are treated within the police system.
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd
ISBN: 9781803883717
Publication date: October 2024
Pages: 164
Foreword by Dr Amy Pearson
1. Introduction
2. Autism in women
3. The challenges of working whilst studying
4. Being an autistic autism researcher
5. Navigating conferences
6. The sensory environment of the university
7. Learning differently
8. Autistic advocacy
9. Conclusion
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