Mental Health Today 2021


Date: 18 – 20 May 2021 .
Hosted on Pavilion Learn.

Mental Health Today Wales has moved Online for 2021 making it accessible to everyone!

One year ago, mental health was already high on the agenda for policymakers and organisational leads. However, arguably mental health is now even more of a burning issue that only can be addressed by mental health professionals, policy, and best practice.

Throughout this year’s three-day event, we will be investigating and discussing various topics related to the pandemic, but we will also be illuminating a range of other issues related to recent developments in the field of mental health care and best practice.

That is why we invite you to this year’s event to continue the momentum made and bring together voices advocating further systemic change.


  • Cost of attending all 3 days: £54 inclusive of VAT
  • Cost of attending each day individually: £24 inclusive of VAT
  • Cost of panel discussion: Free
  • Cost per session: £15.00 inclusive of VAT

Bookings are now OPEN!




Our programme will be announced shortly!


Speakers Include:

  • Leon Marsh – Director of Hospital and Residential Services
  • Charlotte Waite – Lead on Systems Change and Transformation
  • Ewan Hilton  – Chief Executive of Platfform.
  • Dr Hassan Mahmood, Consultant Psychiatrist, Learning Disability Division, Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Helen Bennett, RGN, RMN, SCM, MSc in Nursing, MSc in Laws, Dip Counselling.
  • Tim Barker, CEO of Kooth

Event Details

Event Date: 18 - 20 May 2021

Start time: 12:30 p.m.

End time: 16:30 p.m.

Phone: +44 (0)1273 434 943

Email: [email protected]

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