This vocational coaching manual will provide you with methods that will empower your client or students to find out who they are, what they are good at and how to apply this to the world of work. In addition, the tools you use with them form a core curriculum of life skills, such as strategic planning, reflection, decision-making and project management, all of which will serve then well in their future.
Career or vocational coaching can add real value to the experience of using a careers advisor service and it is this gap that this resource seeks to address. Moving towards a coaching approach, rather than an advice driven on, enables practitioners to focus on the individual, their desires, and provide information that fits this purpose – thereby meeting the crucial ‘impartiality’ requirement.
The manual contains a step-by-step programme broken down into three two-hour sessions for groups of up to two participants. It includes session plans, background information and handouts that can be photocopied, along with audit forms. This resource can be used with the following participants; young people leaving school, young people leaving care, recent graduates, adults returning to work after illness or rehabilitation, long-term unemployed and people leaving prison.
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