The role of nutrition is fundamental to human health and well-being. It is, however, often overlooked when treating people with mental health problems. Nutrition and Mental Health: a handbook explains the science behind nutrition and its effects on mental health in a clear, accessible way. It helps readers to think about the complex and dynamic relationship between mental health, diet and nutrition. It explores how mental health and mental illness related factors, dietary factors and other social, biological and environmental factors interact to affect mental well-being.
Nutrition and Mental Health: a handbook offers all those working in the mental health sector advice and support on using nutritional approaches to improve the lives of people who are experiencing mental health problems. It is presented in a clear, understandable format, with a glossary and summary chapter, designed to be useful for those with little previous nutritional knowledge, as well as more experienced practitioners, carers and health care professionals.
ISBN: 9781841962450
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing and Media
Publication: 05 August 2008
Content: Leading health practitioners have contributed their own valuable insights, experiences and nutritional strategies to create an informed, up-to-date and fully referenced resource.
Professor Michael A Crawford
Editor’s foreword
Martina Watts
Dr Andrew McCulloch and Tara St John
Chapter 1:
Modern diets: a recipe for madness
Oscar Umahro Cadogan
Chapter 2:
Mental health and mineral depletion
Dr David Thomas DC
Chapter 3:
The influence of chemical additives on children’s behaviour
Dr Brian McDonogh
Chapter 4:
The effect of mercury on the body and brain
Professor Vera Stejskal
Chapter 5:
Resolving depression: the role of the gut in taming inflation
Michael Ash
Chapter 6:
Omega-3 fatty acids for behaviour, learning and mood
Dr Alexandra J Richardson
Chapter 7:
Gut and psychology syndrome (GAP syndrome or GAPS)
Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride
Chapter 8:
Duncan’s story: a case history of institutional discrimination in the NHS
Linda Trott and Laurie Trott
Chapter 9:
Orthomolecular medicine for schizophrenia
Dr Abram Hoffer
Chapter 10:
The effect of food intolerance and allergy on mood and behaviour
Antony J Haynes
Chapter 11:
Blood sugar blues
Kate Neil
Chapter 12:
Nutritional approaches to the management of eating disorders and eating distress
Jane Nodder
Chapter 13:
Eat yourself happy – nutritional therapy in practice
Caroline Stokes
Editor’s summary
Twenty strategies to support a healthy mind
Martina Watts
Martina Watts is a British Association of Nutritional Therapists and Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council registered nutritional therapist with a special interest in digestive, behavioural and immune conditions. She is a member of the Professional Advisory Board at FAB Research and a committee member of the McCarrison Society for Nutrition and Health. She also works as an independent nutrition consultant providing training sessions for the private and third sectors on improving personal and organisational resilience and performance with nutrition science, most recently for the award-winning Fareshare Community Food network. Martina has worked with Brighton and Hove Council to improve school meals, and with staff at a secure unit for young offenders in Greater Manchester to implement a cost-effective and successful healthy eating project.
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