Gabriella Kovács

A Comprehensive Language Coaching Handbook

Theory and Practice

This accessible and practical handbook provides a unique and detailed insight into the merits of language coaching, before moving on to examine best language coaching practices and strategies, and provides a range of techniques and activities to utilise them, so that teachers can coach with confidence in their individual teaching context and be effective language coaches.



A Comprehensive Language Coaching Handbook aims to clarify fundamentals of language coaching. It provides definitions and descriptions of processes, alongside ready-to-use practical language coaching tools and useful case studies.

Coaching in ELT is often addressed as in how to coach teachers. Throughout A Comprehensive Language Coaching Handbook, Gabriella Kovács looks at how coaching skills and tools can be applied in the classroom directly with learners, both individually and in group work. In addition, at the end of each chapter, there is a chance to reflect on your language coaching and use experiential learning to build the best practice appropriate to you and your teaching context.

By using A Comprehensive Language Coaching Handbook: Theory and Practice you will:
  • improve your understanding of language coaching and its relation to language training and teaching practices;
  • be able to identify specific target clientele and situations when language coaching can support best;
  • be able to recognise when and how to apply language coaching practices;
  • develop an understanding of language coaching and related fields as an evidence-based framework;
  • have an understanding of how language coaching can be adapted in language teaching frameworks;
  • be able to reflect on your teaching and experiential learning at the end of each chapter.
This book also:
  • provides clear examples of language coaching tools and coaching interventions (explaining how they can boost language learner confidence, success and autonomy)
  • offers case studies in which the full language coaching process can be seen;
  • provides a base for creating personalised action plans;
  • gives specific coaching and language coaching models to adapt for the classroom;
  • shares insights from international language coaching practitioners;
  • look at mindsets in language professionals teaching and their learners’ approach to learning and provide ways to reframe.

A Comprehensive Language Coaching Handbook is part of the Teaching English series, which offers a mixture of methodology and practical ideas for teachers of English as a foreign language.


“I found this resource really informative and useful for my own professional development. Reading the ‘Practice’ section was a lightbulb moment for me. It helped me to recognize ways in which I already act as a coach to my learners. However, it also made me reflect on how I’ve perhaps undervalued the coaching process during and outside of class time. With this in mind, I could see how some coaching techniques in general could be used with my learners during tutor time and PSHE sessions. I’d highly recommend the resource and would agree with the title – it is comprehensive! More than that, I found it an inspiring read – the author’s passion really comes through.” – Pete Clements, ELT Planning, written for IATEFL Voices 290. Read the full review here


This book is for practising language teachers and trainers who are looking to enrich dimensions from multi-faceted perspectives to their existing teaching repertoire. It is suitable for a wide range of teachers globally: those working in private language schools, mainstream education and in universities; those involved in language teaching to teenagers and adults and in Business English language teaching; and those who are newly qualified through to more experienced teachers and teacher trainers. It can also be used by teacher trainers leading training courses/sessions or school managers looking to upskill their staff.


Gabriella Kovács is an Australian-born internationally certified professional coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation, language coach, a business communication trainer, language teacher (B.Ed., M.A.), teacher trainer and international speaker.  Her mission is to build a holistic coaching approach into mainstream language teaching and training processes.

She co-founded ILCA, the International Language Coaching Association, for language professionals and practitioners globally. She supports her corporate clients and language teachers alike with a blend of training and coaching frameworks.


ISBN: 978-1-80388-035-8

Publication date: June 2022


Part 1: Theory

  1. A coaching overview
  2. How language coaching supports language teaching
  3. Language coaching processes
  4. Language coaching skills, competences and standards
  5. Learner case studies
  6. Language coaching in practice
  7. Approaches to language coaching
  8. A learning log
  9. What lies ahead?
  10. The merits of coaching

Part 2: Practice

  1. Language coaching tools
  2. Professional dos and don’ts


  1. Language coaching self assessment
  2. Glossary of terms
  3. A coaching survey
  4. Survey data
  5. Bibliography


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